Monday 11 June 2012

More words, and a little copycat

W is coming along so well with his speech. We now have almost recognisable words for jelly, milk, more, yes, Barney, Max (dogs) woof, and up, which is the clearest of them all.

He is a little copycat too. I noticed him standing with his hands behind his back and commented to a family member about how grown up he looks, only to be told I stand like that myself a lot of the time.
I'd never been aware of that.
Whatever his brothers do, he has to do, or at least try to do. Scootering, dancing, blowing raspberries, building brick towers and so on.

He role plays quite well too. He'll get a bag and fill it with toys. Then come up to me, grab my head and give me a kiss, wave, and then get in his Little Tikes car and drive off to work.
He sits still when I cut his hair, as he is following his brothers lead.
I let him brush my hair and he is in hysterics when he brushes it forward over my face and I pretend I can't see him anymore.

He has become aware of others pain, and will rub your arm if you exclaim out in pain. It does'nt matter where you have hurt yourself, he always rubs your arm.

And he now waves at everyone. He high fives the lolly pop man as we take O to school.
His confidence in others has grown so much.
But, he gets that little sad quivery lip when he thinks I am going out without him. I may put my shoes and coat on first, and he stands there, bottom lip quivering, tears in his eyes and a furrowed expression, and it is all I can do to scoop him up and cuddle him, and reassure him I am not leaving him.