Thursday 10 May 2012

Speech Assessment

We had our speech and language assessment the other week.
W was observed at play, I was asked numerous questions, and W was then given 'tasks' to perform, so that his ability and level could be observed.
Apart from the lack of words, he is doing everything that is expected of a 27 month old.

I was advised to do the following -

  • Reduce the amount of words within a sentence
  • Go back to basics and use noises for things, such as "shwwwissssh" for water out of the tap
  • Offer him two choices of toys or food/drink
  • Sabotage this at times by offering something he will not like and something he does
  • Keep on using the basic picture books and not use a negative if the incorrect picture is pointed to, just remark on what he has pointed to
  • Use photo pictures for him to request (similar to PECS)
We were told to wait six months and then go back.

Two days ago W had his two year check with the health visitor.
I had requested it for a home visit as he is much easier to assess when relaxed with his surroundings.
The HV was fab. She was friendly and chatty and keen to learn about W and his eyes.
When we discussed his lack of words, she said to relax. It is not something to begin worrying about until he is around 2 and a half. She said the combination of being a sibling and having his middle brother talk for him, being a boy, and his eyes, can be a delay.
As he understands everything, does tasks requested, role plays with teddies and cups and spoons and can make his needs known by either pointing or taking me to what he wants, or by making his noises, he is doing just fine, for him.

W seemed to progress along with his peers, verbally, at first. But he did'nt continue to learn more words or continue to use what he had already spoken, and this made some feel I was lying about his abilities. It happened around the time he became more mobile and I feel that because he was concentrating so much on the physical aspect of his development, his verbal skills dwindled.

What has made me so happy this week however, is that W is really trying to repeat words now.
Only on his terms though - so if tired or just playing a game of smiling at me and refusing to repeat, he won't play ball.

Quite funnily now though he has started to repeat a word, almost perfectly clear for a stranger to understand as well - "SpongeBob". As in SpongeBob Square Pants - a favourite cartoon of his middle brother. When the theme tune comes on, he stops still and looks towards the t.v, and then 'sings' along. It's more "ba ba ba ba" but it is in sync with the words being sung.

He says "Maaa" for Max the dog. "Ouuu" for out. "Uuuu" for up. "Doww" for down. "Mar" for more.

He is getting there and he is just perfect to me.